ASCE Steel Bridge
I learned about the Steel Bridge Team in my very first ASCE meeting. Austin Harmond, who is currently president as of 2018, was in charge of steel bridge in 2017. In our first meeting they were discussing all of the competition types, and for a while I was only interested in concrete canoe. Once I heard about steel bridge, I was instantly hooked. We designed and fully constructed the bridge pictured in the back. Getting the opportunity to build this bridge was a blast. I had a great time getting the chance to weld, and competition at FAU in Boca Raton was so much fun.
ASCE Conference Chairman
This year, I have been named the ASCE Conference Chairman. Although I have been named Conference Chairman, I will still be competing in smaller competitions this year in Gainesville. The responsibilities that come along with being Conference Chairman include, coordinating various events throughout the conference, spanning from hotel booking to assigning members to small competitions. With this position I also regularly participate in career lunch series, host career fairs, perform community service, and host social events.
AU Bass Fishing
Although this is not a scholastic experience by any means, I was on the bass fishing team at Auburn University for one year. I thoroughly enjoyed being on the team, but once my senior year came around, I found myself far too busy with school in order to make time for the fishing team. It is not extremely time demanding, but it occasionally will require school absences, which I could not afford in the curriculum that I am in. Regardless, I had an amazing time in the one year that I participated, and I wish that I had better time availability so that I could participate one last year.